Valley International Airport
Jul 30, 2021
Marv Esterly
Valley International Airport

  Marv Esterly started his aviation career in 1983 as an FAA Certified Air Traffic Controller in the United
States Marines and upon separation, began a career in airport management as an Operations
Supervisor at Midland International Airport. He was then promoted to Deputy Director of
Airports and in February 2000, he was appointed to the position of Aviation Director and
enjoyed a 15-year tenure in this leadership role. During this time, he had the responsibility of
overseeing a $20 million annual budget, along with the operations and associated duties of
running Midland International Air and Space Port and Midland Executive Airpark facilities.
Accomplishments included the construction of a new "state of the art" terminal facility, major
airfield improvements, security system upgrades and airport master plan. Most notably, Marv
directed a team of professionals in obtaining the first FAA Part 420 Commercial Spaceport
License at a primary commercial service airport now known as Midland International Air and
Spaceport. After nearly 28 years in Midland, he turned over the reins and accepted the position
of Aviation Director at Valley International Airport in 2015.

  Marv will touch on much of what has happened since then. But suffice it to say we couldn't be
happier with the progress made since he's arrived. The finest airport in south Texas is right here
in Harlingen!