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Avenues of Service
Rotary Club of Harlingen Avenues of Service
Club Service
As Rotarians, service to one's club is multi-faceted. Attendance, membership development, program development, public relations, and extending fellowship within the club are simple examples. Dedication to club projects, stepping up to serve in a committee leadership role, and participation in district, regional, or international conferences are all examples of the ways Rotarians expand their level of service to the club.
Attendance and participation is a function of Club service. Rotary expects at least 70% participation. Although we have weekly meetings and enjoy having a large group at the weekly lunch meeting, the participation can be with many of our other events, activities, board or committee meetings, socials, etc. Because we aim to "bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services..." we remind our members that participation is necessary, but we do allow creative ways to participate.
Classification is necessary in Rotary, so we have a person responsible for giving each new member a classification according to the type of business they are involved in. Members who change positions or change to a different career need to report changes to the Club Service chairman so that a correct classification can be assigned.
Our Rotary Club of Harlingen provides a bulletin to members weekly via E-Mail, fax, or hard copy at our weekly meeting. The bulletin editor is responsible for taking notes from meetings and writing the bulletin information promptly so that all members, including those who are unable to make the weekly meeting to find out what happened at the last meeting and what programs are planned for future meetings.
Fellowship events are part of Club service. In the past we have had outings to the local baseball and basketball games, and our Annual Golf Tournament. Fellowship groups may also develop around a particular area of interest, such as Wine Enthusiast, Golfers, Scout Volunteers, or Fishing, motorcycling. Fellowships are encouraged and most have an international following.
Membership development is an area of Club service. This involves encouraging members to sponsor new members from the community. Members should look for unfulfilled classifications that could be filled by making contact with individuals that may qualify for membership.
Public Relations is part of Club service. Keeping our activities in front of the public through radio, newspaper, or other media are important activities.
Vocational Service
As business leaders, Rotarians share their skills and expertise through Vocational Service. Vocational service efforts play a vital role in improving the quality of life for those hardworking members of the community who need direction and expertise. Activities might include mentoring, career days, vocational awards, business assistance, or even talking about your job at a club meeting. It mean turning ones experience into an invaluable resource for others.
Career Pathways is an activity that our Club sponsors with Harlingen CISD to create a KHGN production entitled, "Career Pathways". The focus of the show is to educate Harlingen youth about the various career fields while focusing on education, training, character and leadership. HCISD and members from Harlingen Rotary, North Harlingen Rotary and Sunburst Harlingen Rotary clubs volunteered to be on the show to discuss their chosen career field and provide valuable insights.
High School Scholarships: Annually a committee of Rotarian volunteers selects worthy students from applications filled out at Marine Military Academy, Harlingen, Harlingen South, and Early College High Schools to further their education. In addition, the Club also awards scholarships to students at Texas State Technical College when funds allow.
International Service
International Service responds to the needs in our global community. It may be individual service direct one on one support, service through an organization such as a church or community group, or it may be service through an international service project developed by ones Rotary Club. Participation in Rotary Youth Exchange, the Rotary Foundation, or Group Study Exchange helps to strengthen our global community.
International Service Projects: International service has taken many forms in the Club. We have participated in providing electrical power to schools in Honduras, temporary shelter through Shelter Box, bicycles for youth in rural areas of Mexico, and many other worthwhile projects.
Group Study Exchange: Our Club participates in hosting groups from other countries who come and learn about business in our country. Teams include 5-6 Non-Rotarian visitors and a Rotarian Group Leader. The exchange is complete when a team from our Rotary District is selected and visits the exchange country. Rotarians may have the opportunity to host visitors for up to a week as they complete a month long visit of our District.
Community Service
Community Service responds to the needs of a local community. It may be individual service direct one on one support, service through an organization such as a church or community group, or it may be service through a Rotary service project. Service Projects are deemed to be effective if they respond to real issues, improve the lives of community members, incorporate the abilities of those who are served, recognize all participants' contributions as important and necessary, come from a realistic assessment of resources available, aim for specific goals and objectives with measurable results, and build a working network.
New Generations Service
New Generations Service is Rotary's newest Avenue of Service. This Avenue recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities such as RYLA and Interact Club service projects, and creating international understanding with Rotary Youth Exchange.
Rotary Youth Exchange: The Rotary Club of Harlingen sponsors at least one inbound student each year. This student from anywhere in the World will be 16-18 years of age, attend our local high schools and stay in 3-4 different homes for the year they are in Harlingen. Our "Youth Exchange Officer" helps find homes while the students are here, and assigns a counselor for each student. Rotarians are encouraged to take students for outings, dinners, and other activities. This helps them learn how we live and allows them to share in our normal family activities. Host families do not have to be Rotary members, so families in our area are solicited to participate in this program.
The Rotary Club of Harlingen also sponsors outbound students to spend a year in other countries. Area students are encouraged to apply for sponsorship. Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) - Local High School Students who have competed their sophomore year are selected annually to attend this leadership training in Corpus Christi, TX.