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4 Way Test Speech Contest
The simple and straightforward Four Way Test was written by Chicago Rotarian Herbert J Taylor in 1932. It is not necessarily a catechism but rather a purely subjective form of self-analysis. Truth is, of course, relative. To quote Taylor, "I reasoned we must be morally and ethically strong. I knew that in right there was might. I felt that if we could get out our employees to think right they would do right. We needed some sort of ethical yardstick that everybody in the company could memorize and apply to what we thought, said, and did in our relations to others."
----Is it the Truth?
----Is it Fair to all concerned?
----Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
----Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
To foster use and understanding of these four simple questions, The Rotary Club of Harlingen annually holds a speech competition for high school students. The event takes place at a regular meeting and the contestants are judged by those Rotarians who are present. It's an event that brings us great pleasure. Our Rotary Club of Harlingen winner is the recipient of a cash scholarship and proceeds on to the District 5930 Regional Final Contest. Competition at the Finals is with Rotary Clubs from all over south Texas.
To read more about 4-Way's history visit